MX Silver Street MX Owners’ Photos Lovely MX, serial number 17586, owned by Tim in MI Lovely MX, serial number 17586, owned by Tim in MI Lovely MX, serial number 17586, owned by Tim in MI Red MX owned by John in Michigan. Magnificent MX, serial number 15985, owned by Tim in Michigan MX model offered for sale by Elderly Instruments, Lansing, MI MX model, blue, serial # unknown, displayed in a bar in Mt. Pleasant, MI. Thanks to John in Mt. Pleasant for this photo. MX Trio, thanks to John in Michigan MX model, tri-tone finish, one-off factory custom, owned by Gerrit in Michigan. Lovely photo of an MX with serial number 138 owned by Tim in Michigan Lovely photo of an MX with serial number 138 owned by Tim in Michigan Lovely photo of an MX with serial number 138 owned by Tim in Michigan Interesting and unique refinished MX owned by Mike in Florida. Lovely photo from accomplished guitar photographer Tim in MI. Three MXs in a beautiful setting. Thanks, Tim!